Episode 001 - 20210927 - A Call for Song Submissions

Welcome to Hearing Impalement.  This first episode contains a lot of music I was involved in or is local to me.  Though I really enjoy plugging my own material, I really want to expand this podcast and start getting a lot of high quality submissions from everywhere to showcase, instead of just midwest bands like this episode features.  If you're in a heavy band, be sure to follow the submission requirements found here.

  1. DMFD by The Dark Fathoms - sci-fi metalcore.  This song specifically is about Pacific Rim 2.  This band's videos are entertaining re-edited public domain movies.
  2. Catch Your Breath by Sacrifice the Sacred - describe themselves as a metalcore/djent band.  They are steadily working on new music and they post clips frequently.
  3. Mastermind by Hollow Avenue - this bedroom band is metalcore containing aspects of prog and thrash.  The vocals are harsh and similar to Zao.
  4. Another Mystery Solved by PANOPLY - this last one is also yours truly once again.  This band/name is what I usually post stuff as for when I'm working on something different or surf rock or for challenges on different sites like TwoTrackMusic and a few times on SongFight.  There's some weird songs on here and it's not all heavy or even rock.

If available, songs from the podcast will always be available here.


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